La Boîte interculturelle finalist

Ulrick Chérubin Award, 2023 edition

Saint-Adelphe, May 11th, 2023 – Mrs. Elvire B. Toffa, President of La Boîte interculturelle is proud to announce that La Boîte is a finalist in the non for profit organization category for the Ulrick Chérubin Award. The award recognizes municipalities and organizations that have demonstrated an exceptional commitment to the reception, integration and inclusion of immigrants. 

The nomination of La Boîte interculturelle testifies to its leadership and commitment to implement innovative programs and initiatives that allow for better living together.

Since 2018, La Boîte has been working on projects that encourage dialogue through the arts, thereby bringing rural communities together. The organization is committed to developing programs, forging partnerships and exploring innovative ways to create an inclusive and welcoming community.

This recognition is a springboard for La Boîte’s ongoing mission to use the power of the arts as a catalyst for social change.

I share this nomination with the many partners of La Boîte who have supported our initiatives from the very beginning. I share it with those who have believed in our mission and given their time to ensure that we can achieve our goals, and it is through their support that we are able to make a difference on a small or large scale and contribute to the building of a more inclusive society that respects cultural diversity. We are deeply grateful to them and will continue to work with them to strengthen our mission,” said Nathalie Lévesque, Executive Director of La Boîte interculturelle.

The winners will be announced at the Assembly of Regional County Municipalities (MRC) on June 1st, 2023. The other nominations in the same category are Portes ouvertes sur le lac and Carrefour d’Action interculturelle.

The Board of Directors wishes to recognize the work of the Executive Director, Ms. Nathalie Lévesque, for all her efforts and dedication, which make us very proud.  


The Ulrick-Chérubin Award recognizes the contribution of municipalities and non-profit organizations in implementing good practices in the area of reception, integration and inclusion of immigrants throughout Quebec. This initiative encourages them to develop programs or put in place mechanisms and processes to welcome immigrants and ethnocultural minorities, while promoting the integration efforts that so well represent the warm and welcoming character of Quebecers.

Fédération Québécoise des municipalités With more than 1,000 local and regional county municipalities as members, the FQM provides strong and tangible political and strategic leadership to defend the interests of municipalities. It provides sustained and effective representation to ensure that its members have a concrete voice with governments

La Boîte interculturelle provides a platform for creative expression and cultural exchange. The organization’s programs aim to promote social cohesion, bridge cultural divides and connect people from all walks of life. Our approach is characterised and guided by three core elements

Motivated by the desire to share and learn from each other.
Willing to learn more about the way of life, tradition and customs of the “other” while assuming its distinction.
Committed to a process of change towards a future that reflects a humanity that respects difference.



For further information, please contact :


Nathalie Lévesque
La Boîte interculturelle | [email protected]