La Boîte is in Morocco from November 13 to 26, 2022 – Come see us!

La Boîte is happy to be back in Morocco to continue its work in developing projects and building partnerships, as well as promoting its latest documentary Mamu Ensemble Together.

Thanks to the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, La Boîte is currently participating in the professional activities organized during Visa For Music from November 16 to 19 in Rabat. We are also taking the opportunity to share our latest documentary, Mamu Ensemble Together, by organizing screenings for the Moroccan public.


Screenings of the documentary Mamu Ensemble Together will take place on:

  • November 21, 2022 at 3 p.m. in Rabat. ✨️Premiere in Morocco✨️
    Hiba_lab – For all the details about this screening, please visit our Facebook
    event page.
    In collaboration with The Minority Globe
  • November 22, 2022 at 5 p.m. in Tangier
    Darna Maroc, 9 rue du Détroit, Marshan, Tangier
    In collaboration with The Minority Globe and Association Darna
  • November 23, 2022 at 6 p.m. in Marrakesh
    École supérieure des Arts visuels de Marrakech
    B.P. no 4006 40002, Marrakech  – Amerchich

Would you like to meet us during our stay in Morocco to discuss possible projects or partnerships?

La Boîte in action

Photo gallery of meetings and events during our stay in Morocco

Fanie Fayar, an artist from the Republic of Congo. Take a look at her work.
Conference on language as a structural tool of musical expressions
Conference on language as a structural tool of musical expressions