The Mamu Ensemble Together project concludes with a virtual discussion about music as a tool for dialogue

La Boîte interculturelle in partnership with le Comité de solidarité de Trois-Rivières and host Suzie Yeo d’Autrement d’ici invite you to a virtual discussion entitled Escale Discussion – music as a tool for dialog. Do you believe in it?

Do you know that music facilitates contact, social interactions, and gives people a powerful alternative to express themselves? Music acts as a common language, across borders. It is with this in mind that the ZOOM virtual discussion of December 10, 2020 has been developed. It is our hope that this discussion can further the dialogue between cultures.

In these times of physical distancing, staying connected socially helps us increase our individual and collective resilience while continuing to forge positive and strong bonds with the community.

We look forward to welcoming you online on December 10!

Thursday December 10, 2020
7 to 8:30 PM (Eastern Time – Quebec)


Note: The discussion will be held in French on the Zoom videoconferencing platform.

This free virtual activity will conclude the great adventure that is the Mamu Ensemble Together project.

The Mamu Together Ensemble project in numbers:

  • 3 musicians: Shauit (Maliotenam), Lasso (Burkina Faso) and Saulo (Panama)
  • 1 ambassador: Mishta-Shipu McKenzie (Maliotenam)
  • 26 partners across Quebec
  • Over 2,000 km of travel
  • 2 mega snowstorms in 8 days
  • 68 hours of filming
  • 1 concert
  • 2 round table discussions
  • 1 virtual discussion
  • 1 pandemic that changed many programmed activities and pushed us to be more creative!

RÉSULT: Human and artistic encounters which have helped create new friendships and build bridges between communities.

Music deserves to be the compulsory second language in all schools around the world

– Paul Carvel