- Capacity building project – strategic planning and communication plan
- Visa for Music – Rabat, Morocco
- Workshop with Fernanda Micocci – Quebec Week of Intercultural Encounters, Saint-Stanislas
- Workshop with Saulo Olmedo Evans – École Le Tremplin, Saint-Geneviève de Batiscan
- Mamu Ensemble Together screening, Sainte-Anne-des-Monts
- Ici télévision interview with Kamal Benkirane
- Champs d’artistes takes root, Saint-Anne-de-la-Pérade
- Baobab Festival, Trois-Rivières
- Fields of artists project, Lejeune, Saint-Roch-des-Aulnaies, Odanak, Saint-Adelphe, Saint-Onésime
- Screenings – The road to interculturality: a discussion tool, Bécancour, Saint-Stanislas, Amqui, Saint-Pascal, Sherbrooke, Saint-Prime, Lejeune, Hérouxville, Bonaventure, Sainte-Anne-des-Monts
- Recipient of the Innovation mauricienne award, Mékinac sector, Place aux jeunes Mauricie
- Documentary film The road to interculturality, a discussion tool
- Launch of the Manifesto for an intercultural rurality
- Experimental project Tissage collectif musical animé par le vent
- From Timbuktu to Saint-Tite
- Rural Musical Interlude
- Un dimanche de poésie au bord du fleuve
- Screening tour of The road to interculturality, a discussion tool
- Networking and screening tour of The road to interculturality, a discussion tool in Morocco
- Nominated for the Prix Ulrick Chérubin 2023
Weaving and reweaving, an interactive musical experience project with the support of the Government of Canada. La Boîte visited five regions in Quebec with musician Othman Wahabi.
Distribution of the documentary Mamu Ensemble Together thanks to the support of the Government of Canada and in collaboration with a network of more than ten organizations across Quebec
- Mamu Ensemble Together project with the support of the Government of Canada and in partnership with Uashat mak Mani-utenam, Pasa Musik and more than 25 partners across the province of Quebec.
- Project – Humanity – Video capsules from all over the world for the new year 2021
- Projet – Music as a tool for dialogue – Creation of capsules from all over the world on the importance of music as a tool for dialogue (more than 12 capsules)
- Partnerships Projects realized by Pasa Musik, in collaboration with La Boîte interculturelle and 3ZEM
- From Mashteuiatsh to Rabat
- From Rabat to Mashteuiatsh
- From Maliotenam to Kenitra
- Intercultural Exchange Project in Canada / One sun shines for all (Phase 2) with a new collaboration and initiative.
- Realization of a short documentary Cultural Resonance premiered at Visa for Music in Morocco.
- Foundation of La Boîte interculturelle, a non-profit organization, in November 2018 by Nathalie Lévesque. La Boîte interculturelle will focus on intercultural exchange projects whereas Marchande d’idées interculturelles inc. will now be dedicated solely to artists’ representation.
Intercultural Exchange Project in Morocco / One sun shines for all (Phase 1)
Marchande d’idées interculturelles inc. is founded by Nathalie Lévesque. The organization aims to develop intercultural exchanges between different communities in order to raise public awareness of the benefits of exchanges as a tool to promote dialogue and create lasting partnerships.